
Relationships are puzzles to some people and a minefield for others. If this describes you, or you are looking for the love of your life, this is your straightforward roadmap.

You’ll need to put in work and commitment, but the good news is that the 10 love principles that Kim Tran Nguyen writes about are values that will greatly enhance and enrich your love life. With this checklist of essentials that support lifelong love, you’ll move from distrust to trust, from unslaked desire to erotic passion, and from distance and fear to courage and vulnerability. You’ll communicate with authenticity, love with confidence, and receive with grace and gratitude.

Love is worth fighting for. If you want to move through past heartbreaks, revitalize a mediocre relationship or discover greater fulfillment in your relationship, this book will help you create the life of your dreams.

“I am so thankful for Kim’s teachings in this book. They helped me create the bridge to a healthier marriage and deeper connection with my spouse. I am finally happy and fulfilled in my relationship.”

Nancy Davis, Realtor

“Love can be complex and intimidating; however, Kim’s 10 principles simplified what being in love really required. With that profound impact, I am able to be my authentic self without any fear.”

Mark Myers, Software Developer

“Kim’s coaching was a life-changing experience for me. She coached me towards a more intimate relationship, and her 10 principles guided me along the way. I am now living my best life and will continue to apply her 10 principles in my marriage.”

Dianna Stafford, CPA

“Kim’s relationship philosophy taught me how to slow down from the fast-paced life, and learn to love consciously.”

Sarah Cole, Entrepreneur


The 10 Principles for Lasting Passion, Excitement, and Intimacy in Your Relationship

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